Yishun Employment
Licence: 00C5496
Licence# 00C5496
Email yisemp@singnet.com.sg
Website https://yishun.netmaid.com.sg

Address Blk 930 Yishun Central 1
Singapore 760930
Opening Hour Monday to Friday : 10:30am to 6:30pm
Saturday : 10:30am to 4:30pm
Sunday & Public Hoildays : Closed
Tel 67566088, 67566087
Fax ----
Email yisemp@singnet.com.sg
Contact Vivian / May / Ivin / Fish
EA Personnel Vivian Lo (R1105149)
May (R1982907)
Ivin Lim (R1989488)
Fish Lee (R1875691)

Tomorrow.....starts today.  

Our company is established from year 2000. We have provided our services for more than 20 years. 

We believe our Tomorrow...always starts today. We need to prepare ourselves today for meeting our challenges tomorrow.

We provide our best knowledge and services to our clients and we are willing to listen and share what our clients want to relate to us.

This will always be beneficial for all parties for engaging a successful work relation.

Let us continue to believe and improve our lives together.